Trimming the fat...........

We’ve all heard the expression “Trimming the fat.” It probably means about the same thing to us all, but I have found a new reason to use it these days.
It conjures up images of a perfectly pink raw steak, surrounded by some of the undesirable white fat that trims the edges. The steak would be perfect if  it weren’t for that white trim. You can try to cook it off but it just gets burned and clings to the meat so the only way to get rid of it is , cut it off in the beginning.
I’ve heard businesses use the saying when letting go of employee’s. Not the nicest of sayings. No one wants to think of themselves as that useless white discarded material, but it happens to the best of us.
Well as this weight loss journey moves full steam ahead, I have thought of this saying a few times. For obvious reasons , fat is flying all over the place. As you go day to day, sometimes in a very fragile state of  learning and self reflection, you hear the advice from others, “relationships are going to change all around you”.
And boy if that ain’t true. When I went to a support group meeting pre-surgery and they were talking about this topic, I naively thought they were talking husband wife relationships. I knew ours would be fine. I didn’t realize it was so so much more then that. Often times, people I thought would be supportive and excited were anything but that. In fact I have seen sides of people I have known almost my whole life, that I never knew they had. It wasn’t pretty. On the flip side there were people who surprised me and were the most amazingly supportive I’ve ever seen them.
Some on the other hand, those ones I  mentioned before, were so awful I had to make the choice to ”Trim the Fat” out of my life. I would have had this perfectly pink beautiful life, minus the white rim of “fat”. So off with  it . It hurt, don’t get me wrong. 15 years is a long time to let go of , let’s just say this fat didn’t go quietly and no matter how  I “cut” it , it was inevitable. It had too be done just the same.
So this is the path I seem to be facing now. I was always a person who tried to please my friends and family and make nice eventually, but what I realized is, sometimes that’s not whats best for me. There are truly people that are not going to be part of the pink savory part of life and I need to accept this as true. I need to build what I want my life too be not just accept the slab of meat I’m given.
It always hit me as strange that we as people have standards for just about everything. Our houses, our cars ,where we eat , but we have close to no standards for the way we allow people to treat us or the people in our lives for that matter. This is so unfair. So there’s a new standard in my life. Top choice grade A beef ONLY. I expect a certain level of respect, empathy and support. I want to surround myself with kind generous and good people. Minus the Fat.

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